Black Beard is a strong little guy. When he was just about a month-old Black Beard caught the Feline Distemper Virus. A virus that almost took his life. He was on several different kind of medications, he was so weak he couldn’t manage to eat on his own so we began syringe feeding and frequently giving fluids so we could keep his nutrition up. After about a month of consistent attention Black Beard pulled through! We were all so attached from trying to save him we just couldn’t to put him up for adoption. Black Beard fought his way into our hearts and became a member of our Nine Lives family!

Fun Fact about me! I LOVE to play! I will fight for your attention and play so hard with all of the other cats. You would think that I would get all tuckered out from playing so hard, but I can play ALL DAY and not lay down to sleep until it is my bedtime!



