Where are you located?

We are located at 2201 E. 7th St, Joplin, MO 64801. We are right across the street from Locke Supply.

What are your hours?

Our Cafe Side & Lounge Side are both open Monday-Saturday 10:00AM-6:00PM (Closed Wednesdays). Sunday 10:00AM-5:00PM. Private reservations are available outside these hours. Please visit our reservation page for more information.

What’s on the menu?

Nine Lives features smoothies, teas, juices, and coffee drinks. We also have pastries, cookies, and other items made by local bakers here in our community.

Do you accept walk-ins?

Yes, but if we are at capacity, you may be required to wait to get in. In addition, walk-ins are only guaranteed 30 minutes of time with the cats as opposed to one hour. We recommend booking your space 24 hours in advance.

Where do you get the cats?

We work with many different area shelters, and we are able to take in a select few Individual foster cats when all the requirements are met.

How do you make the sure the cats stay healthy and un stressed?

The welfare of the cats is a very important concern. It’s not just the humane thing to do; it’s good for business. Nobody wants to hang out with unhappy or unhealthy cats!

Nine Lives limits the number of customers who can be in the cat lounge. Depending on the activity level of customers and the number of cats in the room, the limit may be as low as 10 and as high as 16.

Can I bring my own cat to Nine Lives?

No. Think about the reaction your cat has when it’s time to go to the vet. And then think about how they react when they are there. They’re not happy, and unhappy cats create an unpleasant atmosphere, which is something nobody wants.

How do you make money?

Great question. Any business, including Nine Lives, needs to make money. We can’t find homes for cats unless we can keep our doors open. We charge a nominal admission fee, which you pay upon entry. We offer a variety of drinks and baked goods for you to enjoy. You may also purchase a monthly membership that will include entry along with complementary beverages.

What about toxoplasmosis?

Patrons of Nine Lives don’t have to worry about this because the only way it’s spread is through the feces of an infected cat. The staff are the ones cleaning the litter boxes, not customers. And even if customers were to scoop litter boxes, toxoplasmosis is spread by cats who have eaten infected prey. Since the cats in our lounge are served commercially prepared food, this is not a problem.

Finally, even if Nine Lives served infected food and had customers cleaning the litter boxes, the disease-causing cysts are only shed for about two weeks. It’s just not something that a customer has to worry about.