Child Policy

Nine Lives welcomes children to visit. A lot of cat cafés do not allow children. In order for us to do this, we need help from the parents. Here is what we ask you to do.

Actively Supervise Your Children

We’ve had parents bring their children in and immediately sit down and start texting or answering emails. Please know that we require parents to actively supervise their children. Active supervision means watching their children to make sure they’re interacting with the cats appropriately.

Be Sure Your Children Can Help Maintain A Calm Environment

We work hard to keep a calm and relaxed environment. It’s an environment where the cats can thrive and it’s also what customers expect. If your child would not be happy in this kind of an environment, please wait until they can before you bring them. That way, everyone, both two-legged and four-legged, can enjoy their time at Nine Lives.

Prepare Your Children to Listen to Directions

We understand that even when you are watching your children, sometimes, they will do things that you don’t want them to do. Make sure they are willing and able to comply with directions given to them by the staff or volunteers in the cat playpen. This is for their safety as well as the safety and well being of the animals.

Decision of Staff and Volunteers is Final

Upon entry, if the staff or volunteers feel that the actions of individual children will not contribute to the calm and relaxed environment we seek to maintain at Nine Lives, we will educate them on the need for this. If they cannot do this, we will decline your admission. If children enter the lounge and do not act in a way consistent with the environment we seek to maintain, we will inform them and you of this. Continuation of problematic behavior will mean the child must leave. The decision of volunteers and staff on this is final. No refunds will be given if children are required to leave due to their behavior.


We’re happy that we’re one of the few cat cafes that allow children to visit! With the cooperation of their parents, we’ll be able to continue this policy.